Feeling a TAD More Together

Its been a pretty good day so far 🙂 You guys are in the know. The last weeks have been challenging in a lot of ways, and I’ve been feeling overdone. The kids are going through a really hard stage, Solly has been actively working on his first set of molars (two have cracked the surface, but we still have a ways to go,) Brady’s work has been all over the place, leaving him working more evenings than usual, I’m still sick and fatigued, and the medication I can take for my nausea is basically like taking sleeping pills all day. Its been a challenge. But today, I feel a tad bit better 🙂 Even though its a small victory, I feel like it needs to be acknowledged 🙂

While the kids ate breakfast, I did a load of dishes. For some reason, the last few mornings, I’ve woken up feeling sicker than usual, and beyond that, my arms feel like I’ve slept directly on top of them all night or something. I haven’t done that, and I know this because I spend a decent amount of time awake in the nights, but my hands and arms have been basically dead to me the last couple of mornings. They were the same again today, yet I pushed through and got a load of dishes in! Small victory, lol! And by the amount of dishes still left on the counter, you’d never know I did some 😉 But it still counts for me! I earned my coffee, that’s for sure!

The kids played pretty well through the morning, and I’ve been able to do a teeny bit of sorting and organizing. Solly burst into tears, however, right around 11:00 and that was just it. He went from playing happily to wailing as though he’d fallen or gotten hurt, except that I was with him when the crying began, with no incident to speak of. I did everything in my power to calm him but he was right pissed. I finally plopped him in his high chair, got a bit of food into him as fast as I could, and he went RIGHT to bed, no struggle. Poor teething baby.

While this went down, I chatted on the phone with my mom and we made a pickle plan! I’m so stoked to can some pickles this summer!! Its been a few years since we did our last pickle day, and we’re both completely out. However, after doing a bit of research, we may have a wrench thrown into our plans :/ We’ll have to see how that all winds up, but we have high hopes of making pickles in the VERY near future. And somehow, that plan with our tight timeline doesn’t feel overwhelming for me. Yet another thing that’s giving me a tiny bit of hope that my first trimester craziness/moodiness/everythingness is potentially on its way out. I can dream!

The one bigger thing on my list is getting hyperorganized for our lake trip coming up, as our days leading up to it are full, and are getting fuller! But the biggest part of that was getting organized food wise, and I did that yesterday! I planned our meals and even snacks, so all that’s left to do for that is a quick grocery shop right before we go 🙂 Look at me over here, accomplishing tiny unimportant things!! Go me!

The big kids are currently eating popcorn and watching some tv while I’m researching, blogging, organizing, etc. Its relaxed around here. Brady won’t work a super long day today, since he has physio in the mid-afternoon, which is so nice. Its been a successful day so far, where I feel like I have things a teeny bit more together than usual. Its all pretty minimal, but these last couple of months have really given me a run for my money, and I’m starting to see little improvements.

I’m feeling really thankful today 🙂