I’ve been keeping my latest crocheting venture under wraps while I found my feet with it all, and now that I have a few projects under my belt, I’m excited to share some new things with you guys!
This new technique is called mosaic crochet, and it produces the most beautiful, luxurious items.

Each item is an absolute labour of love, but is worth every single stitch. And I do mean every stitch.
Thousands upon thousands of stitches 😅

Thanks to the crazy amount of small stitching, this method is highly customizable!

The back of the blankets don’t look like much, but they’re tidy, and there are no weird chains or loops to hook on things. They’re completely flat and smooth.

It also means that the blankets have less stretch in them than your standard crocheted blanket. No holes for your toes to stick through! Heyooo!
The borders are thick and sturdy.

In my humble opinion, these blankets are the epitome of luxury. They are thick and warm and very cozy.

The people who create these patterns are powerhouses, and I have the utmost respect for them!!
Abi McIntyre (@GetYerHookOn) designed this tree pattern, called Sholach.

Ana Morais Soares (One Skein of Love) designed the festive “Winter Wonderland” pattern.

Mosaic crochet has truly felt like a new art form. Like a new medium, even though its still just yarn and a hook. I feel it has bolstered my skills and while it goes against my grain to self-promote in any way, shape, or form, I view myself as an advanced crochet artist at this point. Mosaic crochet isn’t for beginners, and I love how much I am loving it! This is my most favourite blanket I’ve ever made! Its the Sholach pattern made in Hudson’s Bay colors 😍 Isn’t it pretty???

Anyway, here you have it, friends! I’ve been afraid to share these things because realistically speaking, these blankets will be available to sell, and they will not be a cool $50. Not even a cool $200. They are luxury, and will cost what luxury costs. I have had fear in that regard, but I decided to share because I LOVE them, not because I’m aching for sales 💜 So please, be excited with me about my new venture, and come alongside me as I sort out whatever, if anything, comes next with it!
Thank you for always being kind and supportive 💜
