Brady and I were young and dumb when we got married. Now, don’t get me wrong. I have NO regret! Not one. We made a great choice to be together 🙂 But that doesn’t mean we were well prepared! Being that its Father’s Day, I figured it would be worth sharing the story about how we “prepared” for starting our family.
Brady and I had barely discussed having children when we got married. I know. Its kind of a big, important topic. But we just kind of never went there! I remember one conversation that went something like this.
Hailey: How many kids do you want?
Brady: Two.
Hailey: I want three or four, at least.
Brady: …..
Hailey: We’ll probably start with two then and see where we end up.
Brady: Maybe.
🤷 That was that! We could’ve been headed for some serious heartache, wanting our families to look so different. Thankfully, God knew! Phew!
We were still in the delivery room with our firstborn finally delivered, and Brady and I both said the same thing. “We’re going to do this SO many more times!” Thank you, Lord, for putting he and I on the same page.
Brady dove into dad mode in the hospital. He changed most of the hospital diapers, helped me in every way he could to try and breastfeed, did all the burping and rocking, and got up any time he could do something instead of me. He. Dove. In. And I knew we were going to be fine. I had a partner.
Its hard for me to picture the other side of the coin, where men are less hands-on with their kids, because this is ALL I’ve seen from Brady. He chose us above himself. I’ve definitely witnessed less involved parenting, but never in my own home, from my own husband. For that, I am SO grateful! We couldn’t have the family we have, and do life the way we do, without Brady’s selfless nature, his tireless work ethic, and his loving heart.

This man somehow manages to juggle everything. He is an amazing father, but alongside that, he is a follower of Christ, a husband, a man, a good friend, a carpenter, a musician, and a hottie with a body. 👌 I’m a fan of this man.

Bowchickawowow, honey. Bowchickawow.