With all of the siblings together, we attempted a family picture this afternoon. It doesn’t happen too terribly often so we do our best to get a picture. Thankfully it was really casual, because we didn’t bring anything fancy or even really nice for our family to wear. Just about everyone wore neutrals or toned down colors, except for our family. I was fairly neutral, but the kids and Brady were not. Either way, we got all set up in the backyard and my mom used her remote to take five quick pictures in a row. The kids did pretty well, but when that stint was over, it started to go downhill. At first, it was so adorable!! Laela wanted to put her hand on Rowan. It was terribly sweet. Very quickly, she opted to have her arm around him. Then, it was a full on hug with a little “smack” kiss on his cheek. And he BURST out crying!! Now, we can all laugh at family pictures that include a crying baby, but he wouldn’t come back to us! He was just ticked! While we worked to calm him down, Dekker and Laela sat down for a rest. When we were going for another bout of photos, both of them started crying and practically refused to stand back up. Well, no, they didn’t
refuse, but they were not having it. Lots and lots of crying. Hopefully those first five pictures are golden! If they’re not, at least Ro and I have this great picture while mom was trying to get the camera centred.
He’s cute upside down too. I’m glad I tested that out.