I had an entirely different post in mind for today, but when I looked at my Facebook memories this morning, there were just too many gooders to pass them by. They need to be shared, starting back at the beginning!
Eleven years ago today, we were in Winnipeg, visiting my sister and brother-in-law, and we fed Dekker mashed peas, mostly for our own entertainment.

The next year, we have another one of Dekker, looking super fly in his car seat and shades.

Then, there were two breakfast pictures from eight years ago. Laela is still jazzed when she gets corn pops, and Dekker is still a messy eater, hahaha!

Same year, same day, Rowan made an appearance on Facebook. He had some tummy time, which Dekker closely supervised, apparently.

Again, the same year, I changed my profile picture to this: Laela, at my moms house, wearing Brady’s glasses.

The year after, seven years ago, we were renting a little place by Lawson while our house was being built. I was largely pregnant, and my little Rowan wanted a bite of my pop tarts pronto! Poor dude had to wait, haha!

Oof. Solly took a nap on me on April 7th six years ago. Could he be any softer?? Oof. That belly.

Five years ago, I made a side by side comparison of Laela and Rowan. Or, as we often call them, the twins.

And friends, ONE YEAR AGO, we walked on mostly clear streets, with somewhat clear yards through the town, and celebrated the slushy chilly mess that is the start of spring!!

Hopefully today holds some good as well. Our day off all together. Some productive work. Some outside time. Some rest. Some music. Some coffee. Lots to do, but time to do it 💜