Because of that, and my husband having a light work load this week, my mom and I went ahead with our plans for the day. We headed into the city in the late morning with a few goals in mind. And we accomplished them all! Our first stop was at our J&H, where I met up with a contact Brady has there. He showed us the doors he can get us, which are an enormous answer to prayer! Even better than we had in mind! He didn’t stop there, and asked if I had anything else I’d like to see, or ask questions about. It was then that we spent about a half hour in the door handle section. I’ve actually had a lot of weird questions and uncertainties about doorknobs, of all things, and he was a fantastic person to talk to about everything!! He wasn’t shy to tell me his real opinion, but I never felt pressured at all to pick what he would pick. Lots of pros and cons to ponder. It was a great visit to J&H. (Any advice on this kind of thing is welcome!!)
Our next stop was the real reason we went in today. We hit up a really good and seemingly lesser known fabric store to shop for flannel. For each baby we have, we go on a date, pick fabric together, and my mom sews the baby a big stack of beautiful, personalized receiving blankets. I LOVE that part of having babies!! We scoured the store and found some beautiful options! We got enough for four blankets and a good pile of burp cloths. We decided to hit up another store and see what else they could offer us.
First, though, we made a quick stop to get my mom’s adjusted (poorly) and then we hit Tony Roma’s for lunch. We ate shrimp and ribs and everything else delicious. It was amazing, and thankfully, I didn’t get sick. Win for not barfing!
We drove to a nearby town to a fabric store, where we found another four blankets worth of flannel that we loved! Its a decent amount more pricey at that store, but the fabric is noticeably better quality too, so we were smart about it and only picked what we really loved. I’m completely thrilled with what we found! But I’ll show you pictures of what we picked when its all sewed up and ready to swaddle a baby! Before we left town, we dropped in at a local thrift store that I had never been to, and snagged a pair of jeans for Dekker, as well as a little pair of 6 month sweat jeans for the new babe. I have a great amount of stuff for him from the other boys, but these cozy, fake jeans are new to our family! I’ve bought him one newborn pair, and I have a couple of pairs from Kim, but these were $2 and pretty brand new, so I figured I could justify another pair! I don’t always remember what we have in what size.
On our drive home, we detoured to go see our house, and it was SO exciting!! We have windows and doors!!!
Doesn’t it keep looking more and more real?? It was great to see 🙂 Now its all enclosed, they got our front door glass right, and I know they shovelled all of the snow out of it on Friday, so its all dry and ready for the week in there! A lot is scheduled to happen this week, so I’m greatly anticipating the next few days!
We came home after that, and I played with the kids a bit, finally! I’ve missed my little loves SO much! We had a nice time of play, and I rested my body a little bit. We ate big chunky chicken salads for supper, then did up the dishes and put the kids to bed. Rowan refused his nighttime bottle, which is kind of a huge deal! I’m fine with him being off the bottle now that he drinks milk out of a straw cup so well, so I’m curious how he will sleep tonight. If he sleeps through, this may be the beginning of him not taking a bottle anymore! Eek! Works for me!