Size/Comparison: Apparently, the baby is the size of a beet! That’s pretty decent! I recognize that the sizes of beets can vary but frankly, the other comparison I found was that the baby is roughly the size of a house mouse. Sooooo I’m going with beets. Because gross. Though I also dislike beets. But not as much as I dislike mice.
How am I feeling mentally: I feel some relief in regards to the baby. I see my tummy continue to grow and I’ve watched my body shift and change. I used to have tighter stomach muscles, sure, and I’d show later. But I’m thankful to see the progress and the changes. I’m so happy that I can’t finally feel that good uterus bump when I’m laying down first thing in the morning. It has helped my sanity greatly. Other than that, I was able to encourage another mother today, just a little bit, over Facebook. I don’t know her personally, but she recently lost a baby into her second trimester, and is just aching to be pregnant again. While our situations are obviously different, I know that feeling of so desperately wanting to be pregnant again. Its almost taboo to say it, for fear that those around you will think you’re trying to replace the baby you lost, or that you’re just blowing past it. But I KNOW that ache so so well. The ache for your lost baby doesn’t go away when you get pregnant again. It changes, though, and it feels separate somehow. At least to me, it does. I will always ache for my baby Theo. But I also am anticipating my little papoose with the utmost excitement and attention. I am more ready for this baby than I think I’ve ever been. So my heart still hurts, that hasn’t stopped, but my confidence continues to grow, and I have peace. On a completely different note about mental health, I think my hormones are starting to level out. Woot! Its about time! I’ve been hard to live with for a while now, hahaha! Seriously though…
How am I feeling physically: TIRED. My nausea is under control but it isn’t gone yet. And my boobs still hurt. What gives, Hailey’s body?? I am starting to slowly feel a bit more like myself, so I’m thankful for the small bit of progress. Definitely can’t be picky! Like I said, I just need more sleep. Better sleep. Then I think healing will really come!
Appointments: Nope. I’ll have an appointment a week after we come back from the lake. But I did have a phone chat with my doctor the other day. I had asked her a question in my appointment and she had wanted to run it by a group of doctors in a meeting. It was about eating fish, haha! Of all the little “rules” that us pregnant ladies are supposed to follow, I know the fish one is actually somewhat legit. My love for a good tuna melt has grown over the last couple of years and I wanted to ask her just how serious the limits were. Sadly, while its not like some hard fast rule, its recommended to eat even LESS fish than it used to be!! Seriously, at MOST two tuna melts a month. Its such a bummer 🙁 I love fish. SUCH a bummed. Sooooo if anyone goes fishing and wants to share/sell off some of their catch, please let me be the first to know! Because I’m definitely allowed to have more of that, and less of the humungous fish like tuna. Help a hungry prego out!
Buys/Wish List: I bought our unborn baby an amber necklace, hahaha! Its WAY too early in the game to buy it, I know, but one that I’ve always had my eye on but has never been in stock when I’m looking was finally available!! Also, I always end up having to buy one thats slightly longer than I’d like, and this one I could actually get in a shorter, more baby-ish size. Sooo I snagged it. Also, if you remember from last week, I bought maternity shorts to last me through summer. I’m happy to report they’re SO comfy and fit great and I’m super happy with them 🙂 Wins for me!
How are the kids feeling: They’re good 🙂 They’ve been playing with Laela’s dollies a lot these days, wrapping them and taking turns caring for them. I’m really excited to see what bringing another baby home will look like for them. I think they’ll be super helpers, and very involved. Hopefully in a good way, haha!
The BEST thing about being pregnant this week: Honestly, it seems dumb, but my favorite part of this week was feeling my real bump and knowing my baby’s house is growing. That brought so much relief, as I’ve been anticipating it. I know it seems like a weird thing to want and to wait for, but its always been a constant for me, and I’ve been anxious for it to make its appearance. I hope it keeps growing!
Anything else: Just a heads up, next weeks series post is going to be bumped by a day. I don’t mean to keep changing it up on you guys. It’ll just be different next week, but I have something very important to post about on August 7th. Sorry for the change.
Pictures: The bumpity bump…
Its definitely visible to me, and I know it changes throughout the day, depending on when I’ve eaten or not eaten or peed or not peed. Actually, its crazy how much bigger I am when I have to pee!! Anyone else experience that? Its nuts!
Thats it, thats all, guys! Wish me luck in the week to come! I think its going to be a bit insane, but hopefully that means it’ll go quickly. Whatever gets me to the lake faster, I’m on board for!! But first, a bit of running around today, delivering a couple of things, and getting my legs waxed. Let’s see if I can get through that appointment without fainting. Sigh.