Everything is Broken


Goodness, guys. There is a LOT going on over here!

This month, we’ve decided to replace our laundry machines. They still work most of the time, but there are some things that are starting to lose their charm. The washer is front load, first off, which isn’t my favorite but I can live with. However, its starting to glitch pretty badly. It shows error messages regarding clogs that aren’t there, or it just slowly spins for hours, locked. Its also a lot smaller than we’d like it to be. So its been on our radar to replace it at some point. When the dryer started struggling as well, occasionally running a full cycle without drying at all, we figured we could replace the element and such, or we could just replace both machines like we knew we’d need to do eventually. So we did a bunch of researched and ordered machines from Hague Hardware. They were SO helpful when we ordered freezers, so we happily went back to them! In the last week, we ordered two BIG machines, both wifi capable, and they will be delivered, installed, and the old ones will be removed! Ack! I can’t WAIT!!! Hopefully they’ll come in the next two weeks or so!

This month, our bus started making a lot of noise. The thing is, with me driving SO MUCH, I really can’t be without the van for very long :/ We’ve been vetting a local mechanic for a while now, and Brady got in touch with him and told him as much. So the van went to him for one day, where he came back to us with a diagnosis, or an almost diagnosis. It will be one of two things. They cost about the same, and either one can be completed in one day. So I have the bus back until he has all the parts and is ready to get opened up. So again. One day. That is WAY easier to manage than an open ended “We’ll call you when its done.”

This month, specifically this week, our air conditioner stopped cooling. Because why not. 🥵 We troubleshot for a day or two, but frankly it is WAY too hot to keep doing that. Brady called Leah the Plumber and she came this morning to diagnose our issue. Her company has bailed us out once before in the Bitner house, and today was no different. But. It is a LOT bigger of an issue, lol! Sooooo, to go along with the theme, this month, we are getting a new air conditioner! 😅 Ours is both wrecked and also undersized for our home. Merp. So we’re getting one that is appropriately sized for our house, and redoing the ducting and such to accommodate for it. Apparently our furnace is also undersized, but with our in-floor heating, it still works just fine. One giant purchase at a time!

So. Its been kind of a nutty month so far. Its definitely felt a little bit “When it rains, it pours” but also, there is true peace about a lot of it, which we can only explain as a covering from God above. So forward we go!! And how HANDY is it that we have so many places to go in the coming days in our van with a good pumping air conditioner! At least that isn’t broken! 🤞

Thank you, Lord, for giving us peace, and ALWAYS providing for us!