Every Day is Friday

You know when a day REALLY feels like a particular day of the week, but it is not actually that weekday after all? Am I making sense? Well. Every single day this week has felt undeniably like a Friday to me. Perhaps its the degree of general fatigue that comes from all the mental and emotional weight carried, or just a general disorganization of thoughts. Either way, it keeps feeling like Friday, and it keeps not being Friday!

However, tomorrow is finally Friday. And I am so ready for a weekend. Tomorrow, Cher will come clean in my house, and we’ll spend some time together. Another friend is stopping by after school. We never do homework on Fridays, so thats another thing to anticipate. And hopefully, everyone is doing well, and we can have a movie night as a family.

To be clear, I am not trying to complain. Sure, the week has had some disappointments. That is a fact. Times are not easy. But there is absolutely NO shortage of love and support coming our way. Almost more than we know what to do with. We feel so undeserving, but it is just a good reminder to be generous in the seasons where we can be, and to be humbled in our seasons where we have more needs. I think each day this week, we have been approached by people who want to shower us with love and support, often fulfilling very real needs, many that we haven’t even had a chance to voice. We are overwhelmed with gratefulness. Thank you, all, for listening to the pull and for loving us.

God is sending His people to us. Whether they know it or not.

We are not unable to do Your work, Lord. Even in times of trouble, we are here. Send us also.

Happy almost real Friday 💜

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