
As a foster parent, the dynamic is pretty wild sometimes, and its never the same from birth parent to birth parent. A coin certainly has more than two sides in this realm of things, and just when you think there are two totally opposite experiences, there is a third opposite! Who knew?!

Today I had a really nice interaction with a birth parent. We have a relationship that I can hardly even call a relationship. They have resisted connection for a long, long time. And today, through prayer and petition, God moved 💜 He opened a door for connection that I have ached for. Through that hour or so that we spent together, my heart lightened and I could feel some calm.

To be clear, I seek God’s peace first and foremost, and I did have that before, but it was pretty lovely to feel some comfort from a person as well in a situation surrounding a child that we both truly love and care about.

I know its vague. But today felt like a win after so many losses, and I am so grateful to have had such a soft interaction. My heart feels restful.

Now if only my body got that chance! Whew! Make the baby sleeeeeeep!