We arrived shortly before 10:00am in an effort to let the kids warm up a bit before everyone else arrived. We were pleasantly surprised when they dove right in and played without looking back. Laela found a dolly (“goggy”) and Dekker threw on a reflective vest and hardhat, and worked with the pylons. He loves a good ‘struction zone. Everyone started piling in, and our kids seemed totally fine with it. Brady and I sat and visited with the other parents and watched Rowan breakdance on the floor. It was nice to get reacquainted with the friends we had met at the last birthday party, and meet a few other friends. Kim and Aarons parents were all in attendance, so it was nice to put names to faces that way too. (PS I don’t think I’ll ever picture your dad without a beard. He looks great! He should always have one.)
We did some singing and eating and gift opening before the kids could no longer be contained and went back to playing while they still had some time. It was a loud, uproarious, laughter-filled event. I can confidently say that every kid had an absolute blast, including the birthday boy.
We left right around noon and headed for lunch. After a quick bite to eat, we dropped by Costco to get a refill of Rowans prescription, and then drove home. The kids didn’t nap at all, and we didn’t get home until around 3:00, so it was too late for naps. So its now bedtime, and everyone is SO ready!
I’ll close the blog off with a few cute pictures from the party. I apologize in advance. I know some people see them flip flopped or upside down or just wrong in general. They are showing up correctly on my laptop but obviously not everywhere. We’ll be calling Bluehost tomorrow to see whats going on, so if they’re wrong, just use your imaginations 😉

So cute, thanks for that! Love you all!😄