I’m sure you’ve heard it, but time moves quickly when you have children! Especially babies, whose development you watch so closely. They don’t tell you it speeds up with each consecutive child, but it does, so watch out! With that in mind, you can understand how each month is a big month for Waverly. But guys, this month felt HUGE!!! SO MUCH has changed!!!

Wavy has gained only about 6 oz, putting her at about 20 lbs 12 oz (according to our home scale.) She seems SO tanky, but she’s also stretching out before our very eyes! Her knees are my favorite. 😍
She finally popped another tooth (May 31st) to join that funny group of three on her bottom gums!
We’ve recently discovered her little body has eczema! So we’re working on those little spots and her poor little cheeks. Luckily, she’s not been scratching at anything so I don’t think she’s bothered by it 🙂
And if you can’t tell by these pictures already, Wavy’s hair keeps growing and growing! We almost always have it in a ponytail now, not only because its cute but because she needs to be able to see. The cute factor doesn’t hurt tho!

Waverly’s sleeping routine hasn’t been excellent this last month, honestly. She’s waking up more and more, pulling some newborn stuff that we could all do without. But we’re working with it! The last week or so has been better, with only one nightly wakeup. She only drinks bottles maaaybe four times a day, because she is SO over the baby thing. I, however, am not. 😩 How dare she be ready to grow up already! So besides sleeping, the rest of her routine is very much like ours. She eats at the table at every meal, and usually just naps the one time after lunch, when the boys nap. She fits in so well.
I saved Waverly’s development for last. She has hit so many exciting milestones this month! She began army crawling on May 10th, and has since figured out how to use her knees effectively.

She started by juuust dragging herself an inch or two to what she wanted, but now she’ll crawl all over the place in search of adventure. She is our earliest crawler! None of our kids have been eager to get moving, so this has been very exciting for us to watch 🙂 Didn’t make for the easiest photoshoot though! Haha!

Almost immediately upon learning to crawl, Wavy learned how to sit up from laying down. While I’ll miss her “french girl” pose, I like that she’s getting so much more stable.

We thought her sitting up when she was supposed to be sleeping was an obstacle, but thats nothing compared to pulling up! Ya, she does that now, too! Like it just happened, on May 26th. She pulled up in the tub, of all places. She bellowed and banged on the side of the tub in celebration! It was so awesome 🙂 She still gets stuck sometimes, but its getting better.
Beyond all the developmental milestones based around movement, she continues to change! She finally embraced the straw sippy cup so we’re getting more fluids into her, finally! She nods and shakes her head at appropriate times, waves often, and even blows kisses! She says mama, dada, done, hi, and even has said “ni ni” at nap time once or twice. None of these “tricks” are foolproof, of course. They’re all dependant on her mood. But she knows them all 🙂 We have also seen the very beginning of her mimicking us, and doing what we do. Its AWESOME.

Waverly is welcoming, warm, cooperative, playful, and smart. At the parade yesterday, people would throw candy and the kids would race to gather it, and Wavy would shriek and jump in excitement! Next year, I anticipate she’ll be in the thick of it, alongside her siblings, cousins, and friends.

What are you doing to do next, girlfriend?

Praise the Lord for eleven months with Waverly!
What a cutie pie, sweetheart!
Love reading all of this! Love her!!💕😍