Our Wavy girl officially crossed the eight month mark!! I feel like she’s always been here, she just fits right in. Yet how is she SO GROWN UP already?! Her expressions tell so much about how she’s feeling that you never really have to wonder. She’s just wide open and honest, and seriously, just the warmest little dear.

Her weight is 18 lbs 14 oz, which means she’s only gained 3 oz. I don’t know her height offhand but she keeps getting taller! Last month, I said she had bumped up a size and was in 9 month clothing, but she’s confidently in 12 month now!She’s been working hard on some teeth this month, which seems to be a bit of a theme, but she successfully popped two in February!!! On the 9th and 24th. The two right next to her top two in the front. So thats four on top and two on the bottom. She recently discovered how to grind them together, so thats a fun sound that doesn’t leave me wanting to vomit. (NOT my favourite sound, fyi)

Developmentally, Waverly continues to truck right along. Nothing too crazy. She’s not crawling or even close, but she sits a lot more confidently on her own, self-correcting if she wobbles. She LOVES a good game of peekaboo, and will laugh endlessly at her siblings’ silly antics. She babbles a lot and has found new sounds. Dada is a popular one. I can’t wait until she really talks!!! She loves solid food, and can handle it even better this month. We let her taste pretty much anything and everything. The list of things she’s tried is longer than I care to type out here. Its just everything. She regularly rejects the little baby snacks I try to use to hold her off, like digestive crackers, puffs, Cheerios, etc.

She wants the real stuff, so thats what she gets! Lastly, in Wavy’s development, I’ll note that she occasionally makes strange now. Not too too much, but she knows her parents, and prefers them to others most of the time. No burn, guys 😉 She’s supposed to like us the most.

Our little dear FINALLY has some semblance of a schedule! Sort of. She has two. Sometimes, she sleeps seamlessly through the night and wakes up early with the rest of us, before school. On those days, she maybe naps around 10:00 or 10:30, waking up at lunch, and then naps again in the mid afternoon until maybe suppertime. Bedtime around 7:00, depending on how long her second nap lingered. She’s pretty chill. If it doesn’t go like that, its because she slept in. If she sleeps in until around 9:00, we keep her up until lunch, and she naps when the others do, after lunch. On those days, she usually naps until 3:00 or 4:00, and while maybe we shouldn’t, we make every effort to limp her through until bedtime. She is POOPED on those evenings! But now that she sleeps through the night more often, we’re working out a new system. As if we had one before, lol! We’re trying, anyway.

Wavy loves being tickled, but more softly than the other kids liked. She lets me mouth-bite the bottoms of her ribcage, too. She LOVES that. She loves to be photographed, and often perks up and smiles when a camera or a phone gets stuck in her face. She loves when her siblings play with her. They’ll stack every toy we own in front of her and she just squeals and bites everything and plays. As mentioned, Wavy loves to bite everything. Including the hands that feed her or feel her teeth. Beware. Her latest favourite toy is anything that rattles. She loves rattles, and toys that make sound! Lastly, she loves her feet. Playing with them, chewing on them, and pulling them out of her sleeper so I have to tuck them back into place, only to have her pull them out again seconds later. Because baby life 🙂

Praise the Lord for eight months with Waverly!!