Easy Kids

I am truly blessed to have such chill kids. Thanks to them, we are able to have these quiet days that I am needing so much right now. Thank you, my beautiful kids, for being silent rockstars for me!!

Solly let me sleep until just before 8:00 this morning, which was completely awesome. I woke feeling rested and fairly good physically. (I’m having some interesting changes in my pain that I’ll touch on more tomorrow) It was a while before everyone woke up for breakfast, or I thought it was everyone. Rowan was still sleeping when we got up, and Solly spends most of his daytime hours dozing in his bouncy chair, so I ate breakfast with Dekker and Laela, just like old times. It was nice, moods were up, the house smells fresh, etc.

As soon as the big kids finished eating, Rowan woke up. So I sat at the table with him and got him some cereal and yogurt. Of course, as it would to happen, as soon as Ro was done, Solly woke up with a vengeance, ready to eat. I grabbed him a bottle and went to sit in the living room with everyone to feed him. By the time he was done eating, it was lunch! Yikes! So it feels like all morning was spent eating.

Around noon, I took another dose of pain meds, and within an hour, I was out of commission, on the couch, in a lot of pain. I made some phone calls after that, and finally time passed and I could take more meds. Not that they’re really touching anything right now. At this stage of the game, I’m pretty sure I should easily be weening off of my medication, not needing more. So I’ll see someone about that tomorrow, no worries. But my kids were very relaxed and played well while I sat curled up in a ball. At one point, Rowan got SO angry at something and would not stop crying and freaking out that I put him in his bed for a few minutes to calm down. And he fell asleep. Solly also, as usual, was mostly asleep, so soon I was just sitting on the couch, watching Paw Patrol with my big kids. It helped. Dekker and Laela have started really scrapping with each other recently, but I witnessed some adorable interactions between them that reminded me just how sweet they are, and that they really love each other. What amazing kids!

My late afternoon/evening got a bit challenging again, and I ended up having a soak as soon as Brady got home. A friend from church brought us a super delicious supper, which REALLY helped. Its amazing to have one less thing to think about and plan for. I also had a really lovely time chatting with my sister on the phone this evening. Its so important to keep in touch, and I love our calls. We don’t talk on the phone too terribly often, maybe a couple of times a month, but we always do a really good job of catching up 🙂 Certainly no love lost over time.

So the kids were good, the soak was good, the call was good, supper was good, all is well. Except this silly pain. It has reached the point of making me feel sick to my stomach. Oy. I hope to find some answers tomorrow, so if you think of me, feel free to say a quick prayer!

Time for bath #2 and bedtime. So. Ready. For bedtime.


Will pray for release of pain!!
The kids are so adorable, missing them, way too short a time ….
Lots of love!!