Don’t Come For Me *Christmas Talk Inside*

Ok, friends. Its mid-August. Its time for me to crush everyones summer dreams (my own included) and tell you that warm weather is on the outs, and fall is coming. Don’t get me wrong, I am pro-fall. I just really love to soak up the summer heat before I can’t anymore. An exciting part of fall for me iiiiiiiiis…..

the homemade gift exchange!!!!

For the last two years, I’ve organized a gift exchange of solely homemade gifts! I usually try to have names picked by early September, so that means you have two weeks to decide if you want in or not!

I’m here to lay out the basic parameters! Not every little detail, because those will come later, but I really hope lots of you want to participate!

First of all, a small change from previous years. Gifts can be homemade or thrifted. That way, if you want to participate but you don’t feel particularly crafty, upcycling or thrifting is always an option!!

When I say “crafty,” I want to specify that gifts do NOT have to be crafts! We’ve had baking, canning, and fancy food come through our exchange. I don’t know anyone who would turn down a few pans of cinnamon buns or a big bowl of guac! 🤷‍♀️

I want to specify that this exchange is for ANYONE. EVERYONE. If you are not from the local Saskatoon area, I will ask that you please send your gift in the first week of December. And that being said, if shipping costs are a hangup for you, PLEASE get in touch with me! I am happy and willing to pay for you to ship your gift. I’d ask that you would try to produce something that would fit in an expresspost envelope, to ensure it makes it to its point of arrival on time.

The last thing I’m throwing in here this year is that we’d LOVE if some MEN wanted to join! This has never been an exclusive exchange just for women, and I know many men who are talented and gifted in creative ways. So if you’re even thinking of joining, please comment or send me a message! I’d love to talk you into it!

Its never too early to start working on your nifty thrifty gifty! 🎄