Waverly and I skipped church yesterday. Church is pretty hard for me these days, greatly because of hauling kids around on the benches, carrying Wavy in and out, etc. Just generally doing more than my body should be doing these days. On the days where Brady takes the four kids, I have a pretty easy gig here at home.

We have toys in the basement now, so Wavy and I made our way down there to play. We had a whole new world down there, with the toys and games and puzzles all out for the kids to see, and Wavy wanted to play with something new. I pulled down a homemade version of dominos that I bought years ago out of a thrift store, and dumped them out. Let the games begin.

She LOVES the dominos. I’d line them up and they’d knock over and she’s giggle away. She liked just simply unpacking the box and packing it back up while I entertained myself by making lines and towers with them. She was entertained by my building, but had no interest in knocking anything down.

When she finally decided to interact with my towers, she just wanted to disassemble them. It didn’t work out, and the tower fell over. And that was ok. But it was clearly not what she wanted.

As the morning pressed on, she got tired and grouchy. She would want to come up, but didn’t have the gumption to climb up onto my lap on the couch, so I’d have to haul her up, which I love, but also hurts me a lot. I’d haul her up, and she’d struggle to flip over and over, trying to find a comfy spot. Then she’d either smack at my glasses or try to take my phone. I’d ask her to stop, or take my phone back from her, and she’d have a little fussy fit and slide herself off the couch. Which she would then regret about 2.5 seconds later. And then she’d fuss to climb up, and I’d have to haul her up, yet again, and the vicious cycle would start all over again. I know, its standard toddler stuff. But man its taxing when your body hurts so badly. Finally, she and I were just frustrated with one another.

Lol! It was pretty funny, actually 😆

Don’t worry. There is no love lost ❤️ Yesterday morning was a challenging one, where I felt I couldn’t do everything for Waverly that I would’ve liked. But we got some excellent face time in the morning, and I think thats more important than how it ended.