Everyone was SO happy to stay tucked in for the day while the grey day blew away outside. We made a yummy feed of waffles and breakfast sausage for brunch, and the kids played for the rest of the morning. Rowan had a weird, fat hand today, and I’m not entirely sure why. Its puffy all the way up to his elbow! I pulled his arm out of his sleeve so I could note how high up his arm was swollen, and he opted to slip out of his shirt for the remainder of the morning. I was fine with that. It was easier to keep an eye on his arm and make sure it wasn’t growing, and also, shirtless Ro is also ultra-soft Ro. The rest of the kids took this as their cue to join the shirtless parade, so we’ve enjoyed that immensely 🙂
It goes without saying, but we’ll be watching that chubby hand and arm, and hopefully it’ll go down soon. Ro is our kid who swells like crazy when he gets a bug bite of any kind, much much more than the other kids. He’s been using his hand fine and has reassured me over and over that he’s ok 🙂 So we just watch.
While the little boys napped, Dekker and Laela watched the Peanuts movie, and Brady and I played SkipBo. It was a very relaxing afternoon!
Brady opted to take the big kids out to the garage to bike around a bit while he did a bit of work on his bike, so I’m cuddled up in bed trying to warm my body up! Brrr! Does anyone else get chilled super easily when they’re overtired? I do! And the weather isn’t helping! But my bed will. Can’t complain about that!
I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend 🙂 Reality begins once again tomorrow, on the ONE day this week where we have nothing booked! Woot for an easy Monday!