This morning, a few of us had doctors appointments. Brady took the morning off, as did Rowan. Ro felt very elite not going to school with everyone else, haha!

Wavy tagged along, of course, and the four of us went to see our doctor for her first appointment of the day.

Rowan’s appointment was the most noteworthy, for sure. We talked about how he’s doing on his meds, specifically with the new changes we’ve made, and spitballed a few tweaks me are going to try in the coming weeks. One of the main side effects of his medication at this point is his appetite. A lot of kids on stimulants lose their appetites completely, and the weight loss can be worrisome. We were happy to learn Rowan is continuing to follow the curve, and he remains in the nice tall category of things, as well as average in weight. His blood pressure was great, also.

Lol! He was very focused, as the person checking his BP told him not to move. He took it very seriously, hahaha!
Wavy was the one of us who didn’t have a checkup, but she could not be left out.

You know how she be.
Dr. Guselle renewed some of our prescriptions, and went over literally every single thing any of us could think of. We spent an hour together, and covered a lot of ground. It was really nice. And relaxed, actually! We laughed a lot. We always do. We are so fortunate to have her in our corner.
Once our appointment was done, we headed to Walmart to pick up some things I couldn’t find or fit in my cart at Costco.

Some convenience food. Some canned goods. A few household things. We bought a new toaster, which is a big win, as ours are stopped toasting one side of each slice of bread. We’ve upgraded to four slices! Heyooo!

Once Walmart was done, I had ONE more stop to make, because it was so closeby. Bulk Barn! I really don’t ever go there, but with oatmeal and granola bars frequently being made over here, I’ve started to hit Bulk Barn for sprinkles. Today, I also got a bag of ranch corn nuts (guilty pleasure from high school days, anyone?) and ranch seasoning. It is a WAY better value there than buying the little packets. But really, sprinkles for the win.

As a side note, if anyone has empty large parmesan cheese containers, we would LOVE to take them off your hands! We use them so much around the house, and are in need of a few more! Please and thank you!
It was coming up on noon when we left the city, so Rowan ate his lunch on the drive before we dropped him off at school.

Ro was at school. Groceries in the house. Wavy ate while Brady and I chatted and sipped coffee for a few minutes, but he was very quickly back on the road to work, and I was unpacking purchases. And very shortly after that, I put Wavy down for a nap.

We both look a heck of a lot more awake than we feel! 😅🥱
As I’m finishing typing this out, an electrician just pulled up to inspect our furnace! Gotta go!!