Different Directions

It was a bit of a bizarre day. We are a “spend the day together” family. Today felt like an odd one, for whatever reason. I think a big part of it was actually the fact that I had to be gone for a few hours and Brady was home with most of the kids. He had the big kids, so he had help with the babies if he needed. But I took Rowan into the city for parkour, as well as a baby to a longer-than-average visit. I was gone ALL afternoon. This was new territory for us since Brady’s mobility has changed and he lost his ability to use his legs at all.

But! I intentionally kept busy. I dropped Rowan off, and then the Spoonful. I bought lunch. I drove to Michaels at Preston Crossing to buy one ball of yarn to incorporate into Peanut’s blanket. It felt super wrong walking out of Michaels with one ball of yarn. One. Singular. I have a particular yarn there that just STARES at me. I ache to make a sweater out of it for myself. But I haven’t bit the bullet yet because its too much money. I still went to look at it, though. Just to hurt my own feelings.

I also drove to Lawson Heights and dumped off a TON of cardboard at the recycling depot. I’m taking ALL kinds of boxes from groceries and meals already brought, plus a tv box. Its easier than hoarding it in the garage and ever so slowly sneaking it into our already full bin.

I picked Rowan up, and we killed the rest of the time in Saskatoon at Value Village. I got the kids some books they really wanted – trying to bulk up a couple of series that they’re into – as well as finding myself a mug (duh) and a sweatshirt (also duh) since I don’t have enough of those items. Don’t worry. I’m rolling my eyes at myself.

We went to pick up the Spoonful, and baby’s birth mama had bought me a gift! ME!!! We hugged good and proper before she handed me her baby and we parted ways. I can only imagine how it feels to be on her end of things 💔 But, I digress.

After arriving home, we had a bit of a whirlwind evening, with 2/3 babies feeling quite sick. But once they were down and everyone could hear themselves think again, we snuggled everyone else up in the living room and introduced our kids to Mr. Bean 🤣 Good, old fashioned, OG Mr. Bean. And MAN did they laugh. It was incredible. We just watched a couple, but it was so so funny to see them doubled over. Dekker and Rowan were belly laughing straight out the gate. It was absolutely hilarious, and a fantastic way to wind the day down 💜

There are still things to do before the night is done, but I so anticipate dozing off to old episodes of “Mad About You” with Brady. That is the coziest time of the day. I am SO grateful.

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