Cher Here!
There are still many things Dekker does that continues to melt my heart. Sometimes he will put little notes under my door when I stay over to study for exams. One thing Dekker really loves to do is scare me. So some of his notes literally say “BOO!” It’s no secret at the Born house that anything can scare me. And yes, Dekker.. When I looked over and saw a piece of paper under my door, I thought it was moving so I jumped! No word of a lie!
For the past couple years I have made colouring books for the kids and asked that when they’re done colouring the pages that they write their name on it and slip it back into the sleeve so I can have a little portfolio for them. I have a Christmas binder and a regular binder that I try to stay on top of.
I brought them both home to restock them, and out of Laela’s pocket that had the math problems to solve as the key for the colour codes, out popped a little note from Dekker, telling her she is smart. It was SO cute. Dekker is SUCH an encouragement, and I think that’s where Waverly gets it from. ALL the kids are lovely and give compliments, but Waverly really goes out of her way to appreciate people and single them out the way Dekker does.

I really love you Dekker! I still have many notes from you and they make my heart happy! You are SUCH an easy kid to love!