We packed up from camp fairly quickly today around lunch time in order to get some food in PA and make it home in good time to get everyone unpacked and cleaned up for the night. As carried on with the theme of the weekend, in the first twenty minutes of the drive, we were alerted to the presence of a wasp in the van. Brady started to pull over, and without missing a beat, Dekker asked for my sandal and climbed back there in search of the wasp. It really surprised me!! He whacked it and it fell behind some stuff in the back. No one could confirm or deny its official death, but Solly – our child most afraid of wasps – was not concerned about it at all. So we pulled back on the highway and continued on.
Five minutes later, we had a similar scene. Pulled over, Dekker crawled back there, no wasp to be found that time. Back on the road.
Until we entered PA and someone started announcing “Wasp! Wasp! WASP!” So we did it again, and Dekker hammered that thing with my sandal over and over and over. He told us he had trapped it between the window and the plastic trim. I asked if he wanted a handful of kleenex to give it a really good squish, and as he scoffed at me, Laela giggled and said the wasp was definitely good and dead.
We stopped for fries and milkshakes (classy) and Dekker was granted a LARGE milkshake while the rest got smalls. But he earned it by, and I quote, WHOLE DEADIFYING the wasp!

I never would’ve expected him to go wasp hunting in the back of the van with all the other kids back there, but I was very pleasantly surprised 💜 I can’t believe he’s so grown up.
School starts tomorrow. I’m ready. And not in a “I can’t wait to be away from everyone” kind of way. I’m excited for routine and balance and a few things to slow down and a few new things to come into our life. The new season will be a good one, I am confident. But the one we’re in is beautiful, too 💜
Sleep well, all 💜