Dekker went on his first ever ski trip with his class at school! It was a pretty cool thing, actually. A few notable things.
Not a single one of his closer friends went. Not one. But he still went, happily. I was very proud of him. Not everyone likes to do things when their friends don’t join. But he went anyway.
Because his friends didn’t go, he spent most of that day on his own. He said he occasionally took the lift up with a teacher, but otherwise, he just skied by himself. And he was totally content with it.
He was the last kid on the bus on the way home, and ended up sitting with another student that he does not connect with, and in fact, has a pretty rocky relationship with. They don’t get along very well. But he was game and when asked if it went ok, he shrugged pretty contentedly and said “Ya, I’d say so!” Once again. SO proud of him.
He went to school very early and got home after suppertime. I drove to go pick him up, assuming he’d be completely wiped out. As I drove him home, he informed me he hadn’t eaten yet. I reassured him supper was still on the table because we figured he’d welcome a hot meal. He told me they had stopped at McDonalds on the way home, and I instantly felt awful because I had missed the fact that they were going to, and I hadn’t sent any money for him to buy supper. Before I could say anything, he told me he had brought an emergency $20, and yet again, I felt SO proud of him! He just keeps growing up! He told me he wanted to save as much as possible, however, so he just got “a couple of things to hold him over.” So so smart. Way to go, Dekker! So I casually asked about it.
What did you get?
Oh, just a McFlurry and a couple apple pies.
I DIED laughing!! 🤣 In the midst of all of these beautiful qualities and SUCH depth of responsibility, he is still my little boy, taking a trip to McDonalds without his mom telling him to order a real supper. I absolutely howled with laughter until my eyes welled up. I told him I would have done the EXACT same thing as him, and he really liked that, lol!

My goofy boy 💜 I am SO proud of him. He’s finding his way, and I am positively LOVING the person he is growing into!