My kids aren’t big on sports. It’s not surprising. I’m not either. And Brady was once, sort of, but mostly as a kid. Neither of us are especially competitive, and our kids represent varying degrees of competition. Anyway. Sports are not a huge part of our lives, and that’s fine.
However, Dekker has found a sport he’s enjoying more! Badminton! I don’t think I was really introduced to badminton until a bit further into high school, but he is already into it, and he really enjoys it! He’s even talked about it doing it after school as an extracurricular activity!
I don’t ever want to forget, however, his adorable mispronunciation of the name. Batmitten.
Today, I took it a little further and made a joke about bat mittens. And he laughed SO HARD because he can take a joke, and I love that!
So whether you see that like this…

Or like this…

(Not my work but can’t find the artist to credit!)
Both are right, I’m pretty sure. And while I wish there was a gif of bats playing badminton with mitts instead of birdies, these will have to do.
This is about how invested in sports I am… 🦇