We had yet another work day yesterday, though not a crazy one. The kids worked on their closets, and ran around, helping out with errands here and there. Running things to different levels of the house or out to the garage. Got skates worked out for back to school. Got some papers filed. Got some purging done, tidying done, cleaning done, and laundry done. It was busy and full and productive.
Dekker’s closet has always been a tough one to manage. It is FULL of his stuff. Most of our kids stuff migrates to the basement shelves for everyone to use, but Dekker has some more fragile things that he is afraid the young ones will break. I can trust him a bit more in certain areas than the other kids, so he has a bit more of his own things tucked away in his room. Which is no problem until I go down there once in a while and see what a wreck his space is. So yesterday, he went ham, and really got things going!!
For several hours in the day, he was downstairs, making trips up and down, bringing stuff out to our garbage or recycling bins. Adding his books to the bookshelves. Passing shirts off to Rowan. He just worked. Happily!! It was awesome!
At one point, he brought up some school stuff from the year before and asked if it was ok with me if he recycled it. My general feeling is that if he’s not attached to it, neither am I, because believe me when I say we have enough paper saved. But I could see what he was holding was a booklet of papers that had never even been opened. The corner wasn’t even folded. Apparently it came home one day last year and he just chucked it in his closet and moved on. I asked him what it was. Poetry, he said. Original poetry. So I asked him to leave it on the island for me to read first, but then we could probably recycle it.
There is no way that bundle went into recycling. It is SO funny. And he is good at poetry!!
This one was my favorite for sure.

He is such a goof, and so weirdly quiet about sharing this stuff. Writing is not his jam. Except on the days when it absolutely is, and he gets really into it.
It is just SO fun watching the kids grow and change and become themselves and find their things. This was a fun window into Dekker that I knew some of you might appreciate as well 💜