A continuation of the last few posts…
I did manage to organize medicine with the school yesterday. I considered bringing him meds in the day and giving them to him myself, because of the unknowns of school policies, but was able to get out sorted out legally and professionally. Even though Dekker is only taking Children’s Advil and Tylenol, perfect doses as on the bottles, the school needs to not be responsible for his medicine. But I signed the right forms and wrote out what I wanted him to take and when. I drove him and Laela to school today, because a) freezing, and b) Dekker can’t wear his backpack. I dropped them off at their classes and got Dekker’s stuff hung up before I went to the office with his medications, measuring cups, etc. I chatted with the admin staff at the office, and they asked how he was doing. He was SO excited to go back today 🙂 On my way back outside, I realized I had kind of brushed Laela off, so I ducked into her classroom to say a better goodbye. She ran for me with a big smile on her face. She gave me a great big hug and said goodbye. I hope she always runs at me like that when she sees me ❤️
Unfortunately, Dekker didn’t make it the whole day. I checked in at lunch, and he was “pretty ok.” He sounds like his mom, haha! But I received a text around 1:30pm saying he was dizzy and wanted to come home. That made total sense to me. My amazing mom had been at my house all morning with me, helping around the house and with the kids, and she had JUST left, insisting that I needed some alone time, only for me to call her back within fifteen minutes so I could go get Dekker. THANK YOU, mom, for leaving so much space open this week to help me! We didn’t even know at the time that Dekker was going to break his collarbone, and it has timed out so beautifully. I appreciate you SO much.
Upon pickup, it was clear that Dekker wasn’t in any extra pain, and he wasn’t upset, but he had simply had enough. He was a bit pale, but was clear eyed and dressed to go home. His teacher said he had had a good morning, without any upset or tears, but he had shifted a bit after lunch and seemed more fatigued than one would’ve thought. Besides his teacher, we ran into a few other staff members who were all in TOTAL understanding of him being done for the day. Poor little guy, but amazing staff. I was so impressed.
So, he’s back.

I’m not sure yet whether to send him for a half day tomorrow, or keep him home and just give him a long weekend. I don’t know yet. I’m struggling with everything decision being based on my judgment call and my read on the situation. Its all so specific to each situation, and I just don’t know the answers. Will he skate with his class at all this season? Should I push him in terms of moving his arm or using better posture? When can he wear a backpack again? I’m at such a loss 😓 I feel with you, Dekker. I’m sorry I can’t help you know whats to come.
Thank you everyone who has reached out and asked about Dekker or encouraged him. He is loving the love and attention 😆 It helps my mama heart, too.