This was a first!!! We were given the gift of sending our two oldest children to camp this year!! What an amazing, thoughtful gift for them from someone who loves them so very much. Brady and I both LOVED camp as kids, and hope the same for our children 🙂
They packed yesterday. They were SO excited! Dekker ran to and from his room to the island where the list was of things to bring. He picked everything and got it all packed up. Laela, on the other hand, wanted a bit of help, so she more so held the list and crossed stuff off as I brought it to her bed to pack. They were AMPED when we got on the road. Todays the daaaaay!!
We were directed to park in a lot off to the side, and were told someone would come get our gear. That was a new thing, but being that we came as a whole family, it was nice to know we wouldn’t have to carry everything ourselves. And sure enough, a minute or two after we parked, someone came with a tractor and a HUGE wagon to haul as much stuff and as many people as possible. It was super fun, even for me as an adult, to ride along the bumpy road to camp.

We were dropped off much closer to camp, where we were directed to the kids cabins. Cabin leaders came and carried stuff for the kids in their cabins, so we just followed along to help them settle in. I took Wavy and went with Laela, and Brady took the boys with Dekker.
Laela chose a top bunk above one of her cabin leaders, who happens to be a member of our church! I think she was a bit relieved to see a familiar face 🙂

Dekker picked basically the same bunk bed in his cabin, but unfortunately, didn’t recognize anyone yet. I think he was pretty apprehensive, but there is just that difference between boys and girls, right?

The kids all went and played on the playground for a bit while I went to the gym nearby and did final registration.

We doddled around for a bit, but before long, brought the kids back to their cabins and left! It felt a little crazy, but I’m trusting they will just have the BEST time. Laela was very shy, but she settles into new situations pretty nicely. I worry a bit for Dekker in times like these, but I remember how it was to work at camp when the little, little ones were there, and I’m hopeful his cabin leaders will be sensitive and attentive like we were always taught to be.

I hope these kidlets have a TOTAL blast, and love camp the way I did! We’ll know tomorrow!!
Hey, wow!! So good to see that they went to camp!! 😀💕 They will have so much to tell you!! So exciting for them!! I remember the apprehension well , leaving them there and hoping they would be ok!! 😥 We ll be praying for them !! How long will they stay? Good on you Mom and Dad!!
Thanks for praying! I hope so much that they LOVE it, but I know they were both nervous too. Even I was the first time 🙂
They’re only there for one night. Its the youngest camp. Probably good for a first try 🙂
Oh that’s great, just enough for now!!💞😍