That being said, we had a MUCH smoother night! I felt considerably more rested, personally, and while 2/3 kids woke up with fevers, they were in pretty good spirits. Dekker was unnaturally upbeat, even though he was one of the ones with a fever, and he went and set the table for all of us without being asked while I changed diapers. It was pretty awesome. They all played quite well all morning, but Rowan started to get pretty sad around 11:00am. It was then that I decided we’d go out for a drive and bring Brady an iced capp. Not only are the kids sick, and myself pretty weak and sore, but Brady is LOADED DOWN this week! He has SO much to do, and sadly, I am not much of a help to him, as most of his busyness is around his work schedule. So I figured he could use a pick me up, and the rest of us could use a change of scenery. I loaded the crew into the van (in their jammies) and we drove to see Brady for a few minutes.
We arrived at his work right around lunch, so he took a few minutes to sit with us and visit. It was a nice rest for everyone. But we didn’t stay long, as Brady has a very tight schedule right now, and we headed home for lunch.
Lunch proved to be a bit of a bust. Dekker ate well, but Laela managed about five goldfish before bursting into tears. I couldn’t coax anything else into her, and therefore, decided it was time for naps for her and her little bro. They both went down tearfully but were quiet instantly. Poor sickies. Dekker is awake and playing quietly in the living room while I do this and try to get some stuff knocked off of our to-do list. Its not looking too promising, but there is still time. Some, anyway. I think I need to rest up these days, to try to stave off this scary sickness that has hit everyone besides me. Knock on wood it stays away!!!
Last thing!!!!! House update from yesterday 😀
I know the one picture is pretty dark, BUT!, the stonework is up!!!!! Eek!!!!! The railings are also stained and finished, but I didn’t attach a picture because they make it look like we’ve had a house fire, which we have not. Its hard to explain. All of the prep work for painting was done yesterday, so I’m sure the first coat of cutting in and rolling will start today, and should finish up by tomorrow! There will be a second stage of painting a little ways down the road, but once there is some color on the walls, I’ll post those pictures too. Its all looking SO purdy!!