We finally got our butts to my parents this weekend! I feel like we haven’t spent any time with them in forever, so being that this is the weekend that the town celebrates, we figured we’d stay over for a night. We got up in the morning as usual, and packed our bags quickly while the kids ate and played.
We made it to town earlier than we had originally planned to, so we played outside in my parents backyard until it was time to go to the parade. We made our way to the central area of the town and picked a spot by the high school to set up our lawn chairs. The parade started right on time, and was filled with music, horses, and Dekkers favorite – emergency vehicles! Anything with a siren is ok in his book. Laela was really tired, as she was refusing to nap, so she didn’t enjoy it the same way But it was nice to be outside in the sun, gathering candy for Dekker.
The second the parade was over, Dekker said “Done. Go.” So onto the rest of the day! We went back to my parents for a lunch of pancakes and sausage, and then both kids went down for a nap. We watched a movie and relaxed and snacked until the kids woke up. We spent the rest of the evening having supper and playing a lot of toys. The last 1.5 hours was probably the longest part of the day, and it wasn’t even too hard. My baby girl was just struggling a bit. After popping four teeth in May, she is still teething! Which is so unfair Poor munchkin. But she drank her bottle like a champ and the kids have been sleeping no problem.
Brady and I left for about a half hour and caught the fireworks at the end of the evening. Well, the end of the evening for us old folks anyway. It was a short but sweet date away. Now, we’re all cuddled up in one of the spare rooms in my parents basement. Tomorrow morning is breakfast and church in the park, so its the perfect time to spend the night. Let’s just hope the kids sleep in a bit longer than usual. Its our only chance at surviving a nap-free morning with Laela!
Speaking of naps, good night.