Cute Shopping Day with the Kids

Today, once again, felt like a Saturday. This whole week, really, has felt like a Saturday. But today was an errand day. We haven’t done too many errand days recently, opting for Brady to quickly do a thing or two before coming over after work, but those trips are usually for things like milk or bananas. The rest of our list had grown, and it was time for a big shop. 

We got to Superstore as it opened! 

The kids honestly did SO good. They were happy to wander the big grocery store with us, as they always are. We don’t get much fresh stuff at Superstore, as we tend to go bulk for that stuff, but we got all of our little canned stuff, some little toiletries, creamer, dressing, and a few other things we don’t buy in bulk. It ended on an especially successful note, as we used up some gift cards that were gifted to us around Christmas, and paid less than $30! Woot!

We hit Walmart next. We didn’t need too much from there, but there are those few things that we always get at Walmart. Dekker needed a dress shirt or two, as he’s grown out of all of his. We needed some oil for the work van. A mattress protector. Stuff like that. But the biggest thing we needed was our gift for Rowan’s birthday, and Walmart was sold out. 

We grabbed some lunch for everyone and drove to another Walmart. And then the other Walmart. Finally, the third Walmart had what we needed 😅 But then we had to backpedal a bit to get to Costco. So. Many. Stores. 

We haven’t done a big Costco shop in a long, long time, and we were out of everything. Except diapers, strangely. We didn’t need diapers. But seriously, everything else. I’d try to read through our list, and it would’ve been more efficient to have a list of what we didn’t need. But we made it through, and the kids helped grab stuff and load up our cart to overflowing. We should’ve got two carts, and we thought about it, and decided against it because we weren’t getting diapers. It all fit into one cart, but the lovely people at the till repacked it into two. Because there was just SO much stuff! We were able to use a rebate cheque and knock $150 off the top, thank goodness! Also, thank goodness my medication is working and I was able to push a cart today! Yay!

Brady often rants about how we need to build shelves in the back of our van. He might be right. It gets tricky knowing what we can stack and what we can’t and what will squish and what won’t.

We got it all home and unloaded, which sounds like the work is done, but its definitely not. 

Lots of things were already in the freezer or in the basement fridge, like some convenience food and five jugs of milk.

Its also late. Like, 2:30. Which isn’t late in general, but is late for naps 😳 So that might make for an interesting evening! Wish us luck! 

But hey. At least they’ll be fed!