Aaaaanyway, the point of the story! I wrote on Facebook a few days ago that some milk had spilled (now this is going to bug me) and looking back in my phone, I have some really good pictures from the whole debacle that need sharing. So not that the story is too riveting, but I’m going to post about it anyway.
So the big story is that Brady was carrying Rowan so he could pluck his sippy cup from the fridge himself. Brady also reached for a jug of milk out of the door. Lo and behold, the shelves in the doors are SO loose and one popped out. Its not the first time its happened, but it was the first time that the jug split open, and began pumping milk out onto the floor, directly under our fridge. Insta-panic, as you can imagine.
I rushed over, but the damage was already done. All of the milk above the break was on the floor, and the rest was contained, as the jug lay on its side.
SUCH. A bummer.
Of course, without babying our house too terribly much, we were not thrilled to know that the milk was sitting on/seeping into our beautiful new flooring. Our fridge is a beast, and it was going to take more than a little wiggle to get it out from the wall. Brady ran out to the garage and grabbed a pail of tools (yes, a ail, don’t question us) and began to take the front cover off the bottom of the fridge, lift the little feet up, and then finally start pulling it out. While he did this, I took Rowan from him and prayed with the kids at the table. Thankfully, it was perogies, and Rowan just likes his plain so he could eat them by himself, as could the other kids. I headed back to attempt to help Brady with the sticky task at hand.
Cleanup was what you’d expect. Brady muscled the fridge out, we soaked up as much as we could with towels, and wiped the floor up multiple times with water to de-stickify everything. During this time, I was ducking in and out of the job, and helping the kids get more food and drink, and they eventually all finished their food and asked to be excused. I tried to contain them until the mess itself was cleaned back up, but once that was done, I said everyone could be free, and instantly, we had helpers, haha!
Do kids really help in these scenarios? No, not really, but I LOVE how much Dekker wanted to help! Look at his face!! He was WORKING.
Once the fridge was pushed back, it was time to lower the little feet and screw the cover back on. Once again, help came.
Laela and Rowan weren’t feeling as effective with this part of the job so they took it upon themselves to bring their daddy as many of his tools as possible. We all love to have options, right? 😉
I love their desire to help, no matter the circumstances or limitations. They always try. Rowan begs me every morning to try to carry the milk to the table. Most days. I pass it to him and he set it down on the floor, and says “Nope. Help please.” But if its a really really empty jug, he carries SO much pride in his ability to help! I love that about these little ones <3 One of the many qualities that I find so unbelievable about them.
Anyway, the milk debacle is all taken care of. We still have milk, and the floor isn’t sticky. I knew it was bound to happen with those silly shelves being so flimsy, but now we’ve been there. We’ve seen, haha! While I don’t desire to have to do that on a regular basis, at least we know the steps, and it’ll happen even quicker next time.
Thanks, everyone on Facebook, who made me feel a bit more normal about breaking open a jug of milk. Its really nice to know its just us!