Sound appealing, don’t they? 😆 I’m just kidding. They totally are.
I was very lovingly gifted a dehydrator in December! It was not part of Christmas gifts, but rather a neighbour who caught wind of my curiosity with them. She very lovingly dropped one off on my doorstep, freshly washed, with a little note and some silicone sheets she added to the bundle. What an incredible gift!!
I will admit the top reason for wanting one was to dehydrate marshmallows! Don’t ask me why. Fascination, perhaps. The upcoming hot chocolate season. Who knows. But I was so curious. So within a day or two, I was locked and loaded with a stack of mini marshmallows, and the process began.

Don’t judge me. Apparently people let their stuff touch in the dehydrator all the time, but I read not to, so I was persnickety about it this time. I kind of secretly enjoyed it, lol! Five trays later, I started the thing up!

As you can see, they didnt shrink up into lucky charm style mallows, but they puffed up even bigger and rounder!! It was an unexpected treat!
It was also a pleasant surprise that it was toasty warm when I was chilly.

I made two full batches of these things, and I can proudly say my children opted to bring these to school for their class movie parties rather than chips, hahaha! They are super delicious and really fun to eat too! The novelty definitely hasn’t worn off, and these will continue to exist in our home for a while, I’m sure!
If you like meringues but don’t care to make them, this is a solid second, according to the kids!
I am once again SO grateful for our people who want to put into our lives any way possible 💜