Stuff is getting very real over here.

It has been an absolutely crazy week! I’m not sure I’ve ever worked this physically hard in such a short span of time, but God remains good and He keeps me moving! I think I have a better balance than I did a few years ago of how hard to push, and how and when to take care of myself. When to shut it down for the night. When to ask for help. And I am SO fortunate to have such willing, loving people around me, eager to help us 💜 It also doesn’t hurt to see Brady a bit more these days, when he ducks out of work for a few hours here and there.

I am incredibly grateful to Zaks for being so understanding of life being about more than work. We all know how hard of a worker Brady is, so no one is being shortchanged when he loses an hour here or there. He ALWAYS makes up for it.
We are stretched thin over here but we are absolutely making it 💪 Glory strength!! We would not be coping with the strength of the Lord! My body would have long since worn out if not for God. ALL glory to Him!
Stay warm out there, guys!! 🥶