Covid Christmas Presents

It was around the time Dekker first came down with covid that I learned Joann’s Fabric ships to Canada. I tried for a solid six hours not to go on that website, but lo and behold, I gave in and was not mad about it. The prices were totally comparable, if not better. There was a blanket 20% off sale, plus free shipping if you ordered over a certain amount. So I was pretty stoked, and I started just daydreaming, and putting yarn in my cart. Just to see. I looked through everything they had for yarn, and I put in just about everything I wanted. Not like everything everything, but things I was excited about! Things I had never seen before. Things that were amazing prices. Things I could not find for the life of me locally. The cart was right around the right dollar value for free shipping when I realized I hadn’t added the coupon code yet. So I did that, and it brought the cost down, but the free shipping still remained. I wasn’t about to turn that down.

In all the back and forthing and hemming and hawing, the coupon added twice. Which never works. But it DID!!!

So, I present to you my beautiful yarn haul 😍

Shall we begin?

First we have these. They’re called “Feels Like Butta” and they absolutely do! They are crazy soft. I saw them at Michaels ONCE and have never seen them since. I have baby dreams still floating around my head, and I have some delicious goals with these. I bought four of each color – pink, blue, and grey.

Now this line of yarn is SO COOL! Its a fairly basic worsted weight yarn, but the colors are meant to mimic skin tones! Isn’t that cool? Really wonderful for people who make dolls or amigurumi figures. I, however, bought them because I think this carmelly color would go super nicely alongside the red/black/buffalo plaid. I bought four.

This yarn is called Big Twist, and they are also CRAZY soft! I ordered four of each of these colors. I only received one of the pink ones. Two are still shipping and one was cancelled. Don’t ask me why. But I received four of the second color and I like it WAY more, which I never would’ve expected.

This one doesn’t look like anything too special. Red Heart is a very cheap, basic brand that is everywhere. However, I have been on a hunt for peach yarn that is not baby yarn. Baby yarn tends to be VERY fine, and I like good beefy yarn. This yarn fit the bill! I ordered four (surprise) and they sent three, with one still in the mail. Again, don’t ask me why.

This yarn I was positively pining for, but it was sold out all over Saskatoon. Its called spice market and the colors are just unreal. The pictures don’t do it justice. I wish I could buy twenty of these and make a stack of beautiful things for next Christmas. But I did not. Can you guess how many I ordered?

Four. The answer was four.

And then I got these, lol!

Lol! So this I was just excited about because its a LOT of yarn in one skein. I really love the color of these that I chose. They’re really soft. In this case, I only bought two, because they’re huge.

Believe it or not, I practiced great restraint while making this order. By then end of it, I will have 33 balls of yarn, and my entire order came to $140. No excuses left. Time to make some beautiful things and put some up for sale!


I love the Like Butta stuff, too! Any lion brand yarn, really. Have you ever tried Prairie Lily in Saskatoon? Do they still exist? I found brands like that there. They had fantastic local alpaca and stuff, too. Does the yarn shop still exist? It used to be right by where we lived and I got locally dyed stuff there, too. Beautiful! I’m so happy you had such a GREAT haul! Wow!


I forgot to respond to this!! Yes, Prairie Lilly exists, but I never ever get there :/ I’m never near there but has heard they stock such beautiful things! Hopefully someday I’ll have a reason to go because I’d really love to peruse those shelves!