We grabbed the few things that we needed before heading to a nearby Tims for coffee and a pee break. I forgot to pee at Costco and I’m at the point of pregnancy where I almost can’t sit while I’m wearing jeans and have to pee. Quite the challenge. So we drive two minutes down the road and stopped to grab coffees.

We drank our coffees and drove to see our house. We were incredibly relieved, after our Thursday visit, to see some more progress. To be honest, it wasn’t quite as much as we had hoped for, but two different trades were on site, and one had been there last Friday or sometime over the weekend.
Downstairs plumbing had been dug in!!! Now, I believe they just wait for an inspection, then cover it up and pour our basement floor!!! Thats scheduled for next Friday.
The taper has finally arrived! We’re a bit nervous that he’s only coming now, knowing the rest of the scheduling, it seems like he’s late to start. Especially because he is simply a “he” and not a crew. But such is life. I’m still hopeful! If he works through the weekend, he should keep up.
Loooooook! Its a real house!!
Lastly, the siding guy was around, but he was around on Thursday, and we have seen almost no change, so while we’re not sure what he’s actually doing there, he is holding up absolutely no one. So I guess if he’s got nowhere else to be, why rush?? We realized, though, after the siding color debacle, we haven’t taken any pictures! So he’s the REAL color!!! The one side of the house is close to done, but the other is still about a third of the way up with the old color, and the back is untouched.
Its so pretty 🙂 I’m very very happy with the color. So much more what we were expecting.
Our evening ended a little rocky and the kids were in bed earlier than usual, but they really really needed it. Dekker has picked up a nasty habit of waking the entire household on purpose before 7am. Its pretty horrific when you’re not used to it. We’ve stopped napping him completely in an effort to have him sleep a bit deeper and a bit longer, but he is in ROUGH shape by the end of the evening, that’s for sure! Its a new challenging stage we’ve entered, but naps had to be kicked to the curb somewhere along the way, and it appear that now is the time 🙂
One day, we’ll have our next babe, and we’ll be settled in our beautiful new home, and THEN we can find some form of what “normal” is going to look like.
And the moment we find that normal, Dekker will start kindergarten! Bahaha! Oh life…..