But who could blame her? With all of the activity going on just outside her window!
Brady and I are SO excited to have neighbours, but more and more, we’re thinking this is going to be a spec home. We know Northridge is building it, but thats the extent of our knowledge. However, we haven’t seen any home owners come to watch (maybe we’re the only weirdos who wanted to be part of every step??) Also, while the lot is marked “sold” on the big map sign, the big sign on the lot itself still says that its for sale. Yet if it were a spec home, why would the excavator be here on the Saturday of the long weekend? What would the rush be? Hmmm. We don’t know. But its exciting!
We spent the day in the city, and while we got a lot done, we are all bushed. FAR more tired than we usually feel at the end of an errand day. But we made it, and got a good handful of things done. We even bought THREE Christmas presents today! How great is that?!
And how great is he??
He looks like such a little man <3
We are so happy to be home, and to have almost all of the kids tucked away already. Soon, there will be supper, a soak in the tub, and hopefully a bit of a Netflix marathon.
Please, Lord, let the kids simmer down and fall asleep soon! Haha!