Then Laela looked totally different in her scan, and as a baby! Lots of people tell me that they look the same, and I can see some similarities, but being that I see them in and out of every single day, I see many more differences. To me, their features are all different. Her forehead is way smaller but her nose is bigger, and more down while Dekker’s is up a little. His eyes go up a bit in the corners and hers go gown. Dekkers eyes and mouth are bigger than Laela’s. Dekker has Bradys face shape and jawline, while underneath Laela’s chub, she has my tiny chin. I see differences all over the place.
I’ve made jokes (and not always jokes) lots in my life about not looking like my family. None of us kids really look like each other. Most of the time, when new people see our family pictures, they put the in-laws together as family. Anyway, I’ve joked a bit that Laela doesn’t look like our family, just like I didn’t. However, I finally figured it out!!
and my mom 🙂 Can you see it? Its sooo obvious to me! Their mouths, their hairlines, their cheeks and chins! Granted, my moms hair is way cooler than Laela’s in these pictures. Who knew my grandma knew about fauxhawks?!?! Anyway, while this is such a small detail, and really quite unimportant in the grand scheme of things, I LOVE seeing where she fits!! And I’m sooo pleased that she looks like my mom! Turns our grandma Jeanne was an adorable kid, and continues to be adorable to this day!
Thanks Hailey. You’re pretty adorable yourself. Love love