There is just so much going on over here. I feel like my posts have been boring, but its for a reason. We’re all just breathing, and we’re doing a lot of waiting and seeing. Change is absolutely always upon us, almost exclusively, and we’re doing all we can to handle it gracefully and in faith. We are completely different people than we were a year ago.

As we go forward in such a different way than we ever pictured, I have caught myself mixing up comfort with contentment. I think those things are pretty different, and I’m starting to learn that comfort is a very real gift, but it is not a right. Contentment, however, is a choice.
Pain is uncomfortable.
Sickness is uncomfortable.
Uncertainty is uncomfortable.
Anxiety is uncomfortable.
Making unpopular choices is uncomfortable.
Taking risks is uncomfortable.
Faith in God is even uncomfortable sometimes.
We are held by the strongest, safest hands, and we continue to seek God’s face and follow where He leads us, even if it’s – say it with me – uncomfortable.
And with that – with God – we find contentment and peace.
That is so profound, my darling. And so true. Sometimes hard to work through in our human minds. Nothing is impossible for God!