Guys. We had SO much fun at last nights coffee house.

Once again, we had a really wonderful group of people come out to support us, many familiar, and some new. One couple in particular sat right next to where we played, and then patted their laps and tapped their feet through every song. They clapped and cheered along with our friends. They were some of the best front row audience members we could’ve asked for!
This was only our second time playing at Clearcut Coffeehouse, and they are SUCH amazing hosts. They were super happy to see us, and offered to help us move furniture around. As with last time, a second employee came in after not too long to help lighten the load. Apparently we “bring a big crowd” when we come. And guys, thats YOU!!! Thank you so much for coming and being our crowd.
We sang for about an hour and a half, with clapping and cheering between each song. It was SO encouraging. People even laughed along with us when we messed up, which felt pretty perfect 🙂 It was super casual but it also felt like people were happy and entertained and engaged. We loved it so much.

Definitely need to be prepared for an encore next time! Was NOT ready for that, hahaha!

This band thing is feeling more and more real, honestly. I’m thrilled with the gigs we’ve played, and the few upcoming ideas we’re growing. One guest in particular expressed that she had really enjoyed our set, and she was glad she had come, even though she couldn’t find any info on us to learn what kind of music we played. She said we needed a Facebook page or YouTube video at least. I think she’s onto something. So in the near future, I think I’ll putter my way through making a Facebook page 🙂 And maybe we’ll up the quality of our teaser videos. That qualifies as professional, right?? 😆

We really, really enjoy playing and singing together. Its kind of a project that I didn’t realize we needed, but I would be SO sad if suddenly it was gone. Thank you, Lord, for these opportunities!!
Photos c/o Cher Andrea 🖤