I mentioned the other day that this week has been consistently full, but with good things! Today was more of that 🙂 It began with Brady being home for breakfast before leaving to finish some work he had started yesterday. I was able to walk Dekker to school again, which I’ve SO enjoyed! When I got back, Brady left to work and I did a few dishes before Cher came by for coffee. Its SO special having such a good friend here in town! Will be a sad day for us when she moves for school in the new year, but we’ll still see her, I think 😉 Plus, its a GREAT move for her, and thats the biggest thing. So we’ll soak up all we can of her over these next months! Thanks, girly, for always documenting my hilarious kids!
She ducked out before lunch, and I got the kids fed. Brady finished his work around that time and helped get the boys down for naps. Shortly after everyone was down, Laela’s kindergarten teacher came for a visit! She got acquainted with Laela, they read a story together, talked some details about school, etc. Laela showed off her backpack and some toys that she likes, and we chatted about any questions or concerns any of us had. It was super informal and relaxed and so so nice. Laela waved at the window like a crazy person when her teacher left. She commented “I like her.” It all bodes very well.
I left just a few minutes later to take Waverly to the clinic for her first set of vaccines. We hit up the weekly walk-in vaccine clinic, which also happens to be where our family doctor works, so its super familiar. It wasn’t too full when we showed up, so we didn’t have to wait too long. Wavy hung out patiently in her car seat.
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. She is SUCH a content little girl. She smiled and smiled and cooed at me while we waited. What a sweetheart.
She wasn’t too terribly fond of her vaccines. Cried a little with the first one, more with the second one. Took the oral one like a champ. The little bandaid thighs always get me!!
She is SO cute!! And she’s getting SO chunky!
We waited our 15 minutes and then headed home. We could’ve juuust made it to get Dekker but it was cutting it so close. Brady rather walked with the rest of the kids and they all went to pick Dekker up together. We all got home at relatively the same time.
Just about supper time over here! Is anyone else eating their body weight in corn on the cob out of the Hutterite colonies? We are!!!