Artsy Fartsy

We had a nice long list of things to do today, and while they were all doable, we decided in the morning to just do the top priority things. We never have just quiet down days anymore, it seems, so we opted out of the things we could do and just did the things we needed to.

I’ve chopped like I’ve never chopped before. I made the first chunk of a two-chunk dessert. We did some cleaning. Brady hauled some furniture upstairs. We separated and froze some meat. Our list was long, but it was all very little stuff. Little stuff that is easy to forget. But we did a lot of it, which was nice.

This evening, I was scanning Pinterest and I saw a crafty project that I couldn’t resist giving it a try. It was a long and stupid start, haha, but I’m super intrigued now, so the second chunk of the dessert I’m making will have to wait until tomorrow. Something creative is calling my name!! And if you know me, you know that creativity and projects almost always beat everything else out. It goes 1. God 2. Brady 3. Kids 4. Music 5. Artsy fartsy things.

With emphasis on the “fartsy.”
It needed to be said.