Today was Christopher Lake Days! 🥳 We spent the morning watching the parade and essentially doing laps of the town, checking out garage sales, the farmers market, the trade show, and whatever else we could find. It was more walking than we’ve all done in quite some time, but Rowan was my trooper who did not tire out!! It was nice to spend that time with him 💜

After what was a very rough night for our group, we didn’t last terribly long, and came back to camp for lunch, a fire, and naps. We joined the campground for a fish fry supper, and wrapped the evening up with an evening swim with the few brave souls who wanted in.
It was a beautiful day. I’m very tired. The camper is coughing. It’s time to pack it in and get a few hours of shut eye in. I have hopes for tomorrow to hold s’mores, the beach, and a bit of crocheting.
But first – sleep. Warming up my feet. Sucking on a cough candy. Laying on Brady’s arm. Falling asleep to the same episode of our show that we just cannot get through.
I am VERY grateful for my life 💜 Thank you Lord.