While the kids napped, Brady and I went out to get the tree. When we moved here, there were multiple little ever green trees all over the yard, as if someone just sprinkled them haphazardly. We got rid of the ones around the deck, but kept one that was hear our grove of full sized evergreens. However, as its grown, its in a really poor place, shading the garden. There has always been a reason to keep it though. While it was smaller, my parents were talking about maybe transplanting it to their yard, but it got too big and they thought it would likely cut a huge hole out of our yard and then die anyway. We decided last year that we will cut it down as this years Christmas tree. It is my faith move. We will be out of this house next Christmas. This is our last Christmas in this house, and we are celebrating it by cutting our Christmas down from our yard. And next year, we’ll be somewhere new and can start new traditions. But this is this year.
Pink boots make winter cuter.
So this is our tree out in the yard. Yes, its a bit sparse, and not as beefy as the artificial ones, or even as the real ones you buy from lots of different places. BUT it has no bald patches, and it smells sooo much better than any other tree we’ve ever had!
Brady used a saw to cut it down, and it was quite a riot getting it into the house quietly without making too huge of a mess. It was harder than we thought, but so worth it. And because the tree is so fresh and yummy, it barely dropped any needles! So the cleanup was mostly the snow and frost melting off of the branches.
Once it was all in and situated, Brady and I cuddled up in bed with the Christmas ornaments and put everything on hooks while we watched a few episodes of The Office on the laptop. It was comfy and relaxing. When the kids woke up, we got them a bit quicker than usual so they could come be part of putting the lights on at least before supper. While Brady lit the tree and the kids “helped” me untangle the strands of lights, I got a text message from a friend asking if I would be her last minute date to a Christmas banquet that started about an hour from then. Brady said I should absolutely go, so I jumped on it and rushed to get ready. I think I pulled it together decently well, so we snapped a photo to show off my baby bump the one time I’m not in sweats.
I had a fabulous evening out! Not only do I never really get to feel spontaneous anymore, but I got to spend a few hours at a table with friends, enjoying conversation, music, and amazing food, as per usual of Oven Scents, our local catering place. (If you were at my wedding, you know how good they are.) We all shared antics of our families, and talked about Christmas, while feasting on turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and salads. As per usual, I was one of the last people out of the building. My date and I visited with another couple about upcoming plans of Christmas, as well as the craziness that comes with kids. It was so nice to spend an evening with people who can relate to all the same stuff! But we eventually parted ways, as it was getting late, and we all had kids to get home to.
I dropped by my parents place first to pick something up but they weren’t home. Guys! Where were you at 9:45?! I didn’t know you were allowed to stay out that late!!! 😉 Jokes. You’re not that old.
I’m obviously home now, and ready for a soak. Not sure I’ll be able to fit a snack in tonight, but my acid reflux is rampant as per usual, and I might need to eat a little something to mask the horrible taste until my Zantac kicks in. All things considered, today was a great day 🙂 We accomplished a really good start on the tree, did some laundry, and I got an evening out with friends. What a treat!