Merry Christmas Eve, friends!! 💜 I hope you’re all tucked in at home, or if you’re stranded somewhere else, I hope its somewhere good! I know a handful of people who are stranded in beautiful places! While the timing is funny, I hope you are all really enjoying your holiday.
Normally, we like to give the kids their first present – a pair of jammies – on Christmas Eve. However, we’ve been invited out this evening, and we know it’ll be a later bedtime. We wanted them to be awake and happy when they got their jammies, so we gave them to them yesterday!
They went over really well 💜 I haven’t always been successful in finding them matching, or even coordinating jammies, so this was a really fun win!

They slept in their jammies – even the kids who usually sleep in their gitch – and came to breakfast in them! And by breakfast, I do mean cookie breakfast!! A fun Christmas tradition for us! Probably similar to our summer s’more breakfasts.

Rowan opted to wear his summer clothes, because he is loving wearing his shorts and muscle shirts recently. But he was really cute, and asked if it would hurt my feelings 💜 I assured him it would not, and he dove for his shorts.
Cher joined us for a quick coffee date before she got ready for her afternoon of plans! She and Brady were eager to exchange the gifts they had for each other, so that was a pretty sweet interaction. They know each other really well, it seems!

Once Cher went home, and Brady and I were idle for a very short period of time before I got to building our next little project!
You might remember that we have had a yellow table that lives in this spot. We got it for Wavy’s baby party, and its lived there ever since. Its main job has been to hold ALL the junk that enters our house, but that doesn’t have a final resting place. Basically, its an eyesore, and its the first thing that people see upon entering our house. Yet, its been valuable, especially since Brady became paralyzed, because it holds the stuff he needs to bring to work, or have easier access to. But again. Ugly. Open. Messy. So just yesterday, I decided on this instead!

This is one of those little shoe cabinets,, so its not very deep, and it fits perfectly at the end of the island. It holds Brady’s backpack, water bottle, our key turkey, and whatever small things need to be there temporarily. Best of all, its small, and doesn’t have much room to hold a bunch of garbage. So if something comes to live there, we have to put it away.

I’m so excited for this, lol! Its like Christmas has come early!
Ok! Whew! That work is done. Dekker is making lunch. Brady and I have a lot to do still, but nap time is right around the corner! I can’t wait to rest a little, hahaha!
Have a lovely evening, family and friends 💜