Today was the day! Dekker and Laela had their school Christmas concerts. It was SO CUTE. I’m sad that I’m not able to share pictures, but to respect the privacy of others, you’re just going to have to trust me on this. Our group of admirers were cute, too!

It took a little while before our kids made their appearances, but it was worth the wait!
Dekker was SO excited to do the dab in front of everyone *face palm* and while he sang and did all the actions, he was completely deadpan, which made it sooooo much funnier! Doing all the motions with his hands with no wiggle or expression change. It. Was. Hysterical.
Laela’s class came up towards the end. She was placed at the end of the rows, and she twirled and swayed as she sang along to their song. Again, SO cute. She looked so floaty and comfortable up there.
To wrap up the performance, the entire school filled the front of the gym snd sang a handful of songs together. I could pick out both kids easily, and watched them as they sang and did actions and participated beautifully. I was fluffy proud of them both. I’m so happy with their school and their teachers and everything they’re learning.
Was such a happy afternoon, holding the baby snug in the back of the gym.

One more day of school before the break!!