She came in the afternoon bearing presents for each kid, as well as a gift for Brady and I that we cant wait to use!!! It was a successful gift exchange for sure.
Once the kids went down, we got to work cooking! We haven’t legitimately cooked in our house for a good long while. Suppers have been made up of quick easy things, like crackers and cheese, cold veggies, popcorn, sandwiches, cereal, bananas, etc. Reasonably balanced, but easy. When we’re not having snack suppers, we’ve likely been eating something that a loving friend or family member has brought us. We have been amazingly surrounded by love this Christmas, in a very new and humbling way.
BUT! We cooked today! And guys, it turned out awesome!
We had broccoli salad, cheesy potatoes, and this amazing new chicken recipe I found on Pinterest! Its loaded with honey mustard, bacon, mushrooms, and cheese. It was unreasonably good, honestly, and I know its tacky to say so. But it was. A great success! We had a DQ ice cream cake for dessert, which really, none of us had room for afterwards, but we all enjoyed a small piece of it after a little while. Because you can’t not eat a DQ ice cream cake! Luckily, those things stay good for a decent amount of time in the freezer, so it should make an appearance next week, at……… Bachelor night!!!
We called it around 11:00 and Jerilee headed home for the night. Everyone was solidly tired and ready to say goodnight. Tomorrow is another big day for food for us, as we’re putting on an appetizer supper! SO many good things to eat!
But first, we sleep. Because tiiiiired. Good night! Merry (Jerilee) Christmas!