We did our Christmas with Cher last night. The kids didn’t, but the three of us did! We ate pizza and watched a movie, along with some YouTube videos, and opened presents. My goodness, we had such a nice time! Good food, good company, good gifts, and videos of cats being terrified of cucumbers. It was a super nice evening with a super good friend!
That was Christmas #2 for us. No, they’re not traditional turkey feasts, but they sure count to me! We’re celebrating New Years early, as well. Thats tonight, haha! We don’t have tons of traditions, but we do have a New Years one, so I’m looking forward to that!
We spent the morning getting the kids and ourselves fed, and dressed and ready for church. We were ready in good time, everyone was in a good place, Wavy had drank well. Our mornings aren’t always so smooth. I was upstairs putting on some lips and a cute little blazer when Brady sent me this picture.

It would appear Rowan has Hand Foot and Mouth. Because its Christmas. And why not?
I checked everyone else over, and there are no spots to be seen. But this. Sucks. Will it change our plans? Maybe. Will it deter our friends and family from hanging out with us? Maybe. I don’t know. I’m SO discouraged. Ro isn’t itchy or uncomfortable, so thats good. No fevers either, nor open spots. So its not going to reach anyone else at this point, but this is just not the virus to get right before Christmas.
So plans changed, and Rowan and I are staying home from church this morning. Wavy is staying home with us, too. She’s teething like a crazy person and while she could’ve done fine at church, she will be SO much happier napping at her usual time in her own bed.
We exchanged church for Trolls Christmas. Didn’t have a lot of other options.

Trolls Holiday for the win :/ Win-ish. Its not church and its not Jesus’ birth, but it is Justin Timberlake! Lol! We’ll get back to the root of Christmas soon enough. This morning we’ll just be sucks and watch Christmas movies.
If you’re the praying type, please pray that Rowans spots just miraculously disappear! While I’m pretty confident that, at least at this point, he’s not super contagious, we hope to be around other people this season, and would LOVE to not infect everyone we love.
Get better, Rowan!!!