After a fairly successful night, we’ve had a super extra beautiful day. We enjoyed the fire all morning, and split for lunch. The Dahlsjos went for their sandwiches, and we stayed for our sandwiches 😅 we are SUCH fancy people, hahahah!
After lunch, we got ready to go to the beach! It was grey out, but still pretty nice and warm and still. But that was all very deceiving because down by the water was COLD and WINDY and it even rained a little! Which normally I’m totally down for, except that wind was brutal and made it so so much colder! It was gorgeous tho, so, no regrets!

Supper was chunky chicken salad with our Dahlsjos 🥗 It had been a while, and we all LOVED it!

But alas, the day wrapped up not long after we ate. Our babies were so extra loud and it was just so clearly time. But that’s ok because it’s still later than we’re up at home, so it makes total sense!
Have good sleeps, guys 💜 happy long weekend! The LAST one before school kicks off next week!!