The world has been blessed with another year of my sweet Cherice 💜

I am very grateful to be in that world, and to have this dear girl on my daily life.

You may have noticed, but Cher and I have been friends for five-ish years, and they have been positively HUGE years! Not just any friend would stick it out through truly ALL the ugly bumps. There is a dedication there, to stretch with change. That takes love. Very real love from both of us to one another. The kind that you CHOOSE, and you put legitimate work into! BOTH of you! Both of US.

Cher, you are my best friend. THE best friend. My sister. 💜

And Bradys sister, which is also a beautiful friendship to witness. You are an involved auntie who positively POURS love into my children, biological or otherwise. No playing of favourites, either. You are a willing helper, and a dedicated problem solver, occasionally shouldering more of the load than you need 😘 but with the fullest heart of love that is impossible to not see. All your motives are good and right. We have yet to scare you off, and that says a lot about your endurance. Are you ready for all that is still to come??

I respect that you don’t care for birthday hoopla but I love that you love aging 💜 I want some of that. Can you Cher some with me?
Sometimes we both say we’re sad to have only gotten close in our 30s, but we trust Gods plan. It’s so much better than our own, as we’ve seen time and time again. And hey, our 30s aren’t over yet!
And then there are still our 40s.
And 50s.
And on and on, across the hall from each other in the care home, old and senile, but still best friends 💜

Me and you, babe 💚🧡 Peas and carrots. I am SO happy you were born. This world NEEDS you. There’s a plan there, and I’m honoured to close to you while you work on it. A true honour.

I love you, girly. Happy birthday 😘🎂