Cher turns thirty today!! She and I have been friends now for about two years, and we’ve spent those years, specifically the last six months or so, getting ridiculously close 💜 She has surpassed “best friend” into my sister. We lead completely different lives, but our hearts are the same. It is SO clear to us both that God designed our friendship, so when stuff comes up that isn’t so easy, the only option is to work it out. And I LOVE that. I LOVE her. We’ve learned a lot about each other, and I thought I’d list thirty of those things right here, in honour of her thirtieth birthday. Some of them roll over, but bear with me! I can’t not brag about her.

Cher was SO EXCITED to turn thirty! She is not afraid to age. Quite the contrary. She anticipates the future and what it brings positively and with enthusiasm.
She feels other people’s feelings. An empath, she says. Sometimes I can see how challenging that is for her, because she hurts so deeply when I hurt, but her sensitive heart just loves. Its a challenge for her but a blessing to her friends.
Cher is driven!! She is a super hard working, goal oriented woman! I’ve never known another friend to TRY the way she tries! To WORK the way she works!

“Artistic” doesn’t do her justice. Her “quick little sketches” are bananas. She paints and colours and draws and photographs and edits and photoshops. She knows her way around art on paper and screen SO well.
Part of that is that she pays very close attention to detail. She’ll go that extra mile to do something to the best of her ability and not cut corners.
Cher laughs at herself! Or she turtles her head into her hoodie, haha! That too 😉 But she can definitely laugh at things that are hard or mistakes she makes. Sometimes in the moment, and sometimes after. If she and I have a difficult conversation or have to work out something hard, we can always crack jokes about it later. I love that 🙂 Not too serious, but not too casual either.

Cher is VERY generous. I have to be careful with this one. I’ve witnessed it in my home countless times, where she will fulfill just about any need she can! Whether its a missing ingredient for a meal I’m thinking of making, a gift for the kids, something she’s noticed on her own that we could use, or time spent.
She LOVES our children. LOVES them. She has an extra special bond with Waverly, having been in the room when she was born, but I know for a fact that she would step in front of a moving vehicle for each and every one of them. She is their auntie, because she is my sister.

I have NEVER had a friend who wants to take responsibility for their place in a disagreement or a struggle. I never want to let her have any, but she insists. She hears what I say, actually considers it, and then I see the obvious efforts! Its crazy! She is SO humble!
On the flip side of that, she is honest. This is a big one, and I’ve seen its grow in the recent past. Honesty is HARD but its SO worth it! Its made our friendship way stronger!
Can we just address the fact that Cher is GORGEOUS?!?! My goodness!! Her eyes are striking, with that popping blue, and her hair is so long and annoyingly perfect ombre. She is SO soft and warm. You can see her heart just by looking at her!

Cher is very considerate. She respects our time so well, and respects how our home and family works. She occasionally offers Brady and I some alone time, to go for walks in the evening or things along those lines, because she knows we don’t get that terribly often. I really appreciate that.
She is always growing. She is the opposite of stagnant. Her quest for self improvement is amazing to watch. I am SO proud of her!
She has an excellent tolerance for yucky stuff! Lol! And I mean anything from cleaning up mouse poop in our camper to wiping Laela up after she threw up in our living room to wiping noses to cleaning our house. Its crazy.

Cher puts into her people. Science Saturday? ALL her. Just because she knew the kids would love it. She brings treats, or takes them out for treats and walks on her own! If there is a job around here that she knows I’m dreading, she often just jumps on it, or encourages me by doing it alongside.
I won’t go into this one in too much depth, but how that woman is still standing, I simply do not understand. She is easily one of the strongest people I know. She has lived through more in her 30 years than MANY live through in their entire lives, and she still stands tall. Still works on herself. She doesn’t play the victim, even when she could totally justify it. No excuses. She WILL succeed! Ugh. SO proud.

Cher is very self aware. I think that’s a huge part of how she’s made it through some her struggles in the last few years. She knows what her body and heart need to be healthy, and she’s not afraid to ask for those things.
Cher is hilarious. So many jokes. So many movie references. My goodness we laugh SO MUCH together! Our senses of humour have melded together since we’ve become so close, and I think everyone (or at least she and I) can agree that we’re both extra hilarious. Watch out, world!
She loves wholly and completely. I don’t know if she specifically pays attention to stereotypical “love languages” but she hits the nail on the head every time. She knows how every member of my family likes to be loved, and showers it down on them! She is crazy invested, and it shows!
Cher is completely selfless. Sometimes she feels otherwise, but I know she would move Heaven and earth if I asked her to, even if she had her own stuff on the line.
Its a bit of a secret, but Cher is sentimental. Everything has a special association, and I really enjoy being part of her life in that way. Special memories sit a little deeper in her heart. I’m so excited to see her be a mom one day and tear up over first onesies, finger-painted pictures, etc.
When a problem needs solving, Cher is your girl. Period. And being that we’ve lived pretty different lives thus far, when I’m explaining stuff to my kids, she has new angles that add a whole new level of learning! I LOVE that about her!
Cher offers reassurance like none other. I feel like there is some built-in crappy thing where people don’t want others to feel good or secure about themselves. I have never been so reassured, complimented, and comforted by a friend. I never have to wonder where we stand. I always know. And if I’m being a girl and questioning it, she will tell me in my eyes. Its amazing. Everyone should have that. She is SO encouraging. Its crazy.

Cher is NOT a mean girl. Not even a little bit. She doesn’t do passive aggressive, silent treatment garbage. She isn’t gossipy or rude. She doesn’t hold grudges. Huh. Funny how being a nice girl fits with 1 Corinthians 13 so smoothly.
The amount of life experiences Cher has had are pretty crazy. With them come the reality that she has overcome obstacles one after the other, and she has gained great knowledge and strength from that! She has the ability to help SO MANY PEOPLE in her life, thanks to those obstacles. When it feels the deck is stacked against you, its actually awesome in some ways!
Cher appreciates! Everything! If you’ve spent any amount of time with her, you know this, but Cher is the BEST person in the world to cook for. She always appreciates anything we make, and thanks us profusely. I never have to wonder if she’s happy with what she has. She always is, and she always says.

Something really special about hanging out with Cher is that she taught me more about being present. I’ve never been a crazy phone addict, but she next to never looks at her phone when we’re together. Even if we’re just watching a show, we’re intentionally watching together! Its SO nice to be so present, and its been a good lesson for me. That being said, its also really nice to occasionally just sit and scroll phones together. Once in a blue moon we do that, and its also really really nice 🙂
Cher rocks wisdom like its going out of style. If I’m wondering something, she is on the ball to research online, consult the bible, ask friends, ask her mom, or direct me where to check. Or, often, she knows the answer! Its bananas how informed she is!
My Cher never ever gives up. When I say I’ve failed, she reminds me that failing only occurs when someone quits trying, and that is something she NEVER does. I am often amazed at the endurance she has.

The most important one! Cher seeks Jesus! With God, ALL things are possible, and she knows it!! He is at the centre of EVERYTHING. I know love that she lives that way.
Hailey, you’ve really hit the nail on the head describing Cher. ……… and as you said, you only just picked 30 of her beautiful qualities…… there are so many more! May God continue to bless your friendship with purpose and meaning, with love and gentleness, with fun and laughter. I love you both so much! Happy Birthday, Cher!
ps…. gorgeous pictures!
We love you back, mom. SO MUCH!!!