Brady’s chemo schedule is funny. It makes total sense, don’t get me wrong. He always starts on a Friday, because it seems like it would be best to be sick over the weekend and not as much in the week. With the way our life currently is, that means Brady has done all three rounds of chemo at the lake, with all five of the kids, and countless projects. This may seem repetitive if you’ve been following, but for the third cycle in a row, Brady has had NO complications or challenging side effects. Praise God!!
This particular cycle fell over a weekend where kids were coming off of colds, and on the Friday he took his first dose, it was clear he was starting to develop a runny nose. He was discouraged, but what can you do when you have six people living in your house, all with snotty noses? We joked that maybe his chemo could kill his cold online with his sick cancer cells, lol!
And it did.
Ok, God did. I know this. But his runny nose ran (ha!) for the hills, and he was completely healthy and strong through his entire chemo cycle!!!

Thus far, Brady can attest that the worst part of chemo has been that he can’t eat for a few hours before he takes the pills. So that means that weekend at camp, he can’t snack after the kids go to bed. And thats a BUMMER. But if that is the biggest hit he takes, so be it! We are both overcome with thankfulness that he is not suffering worse.
The next cycle is right as the kids start school. If you want to pray in some way, please pray that Brady’s chemo continues along as it has been, and that there are no ill effects at such a time when the kids are finding their feet in a new school year and as we all work for the new schedule, yet while we still work to get to the lake on the weekends while we can. God knows what we need, and we’re listening, but those are our prayers, if you care to pray them with us.

Thank you, friends. And thank you, Lord.
Praying for you both. So grateful the chemo is going not to bad.